
Od porodične kuće gde je sve počelo do 2000m2 kancelarija i magacinskog prostora, 6 kamiona i 16 zaposlenih. Mi smo preduzeće koje u potpunosti zadovoljava zahteve prodavnice za kućne ljubimce, nudeći sve ono što jedna takva prodavnica treba da ima.

Preko 5000 proizvoda pažljivo odabranih robnih marki za pse, mačke, ptice, sitne životinje, akvarijume, terarijume i pondove.

Pored proizvoda renominarih evropskih proizvođača, nudimo i mnoge druge kvalitetne proizvode. Višegodišnjim uspešnim poslovanjem sa vodećim kineskim kompanijama za proizvodnju opreme za kućne ljubimce, učvrstili smo saradnju i obezbedili stabilan uvoz čitavih kontejnera proizvoda visokog kvaliteta, kreirali sopstvenu robnu marku, KOZMO, i omogućili da naše mušterije mogu da odaberu kvalitet i po povoljnijim cenama.

Naše mušterije

Do sada smo stekli veliki broj vernih mušterija, većinom pet šopova i veterinarskih apoteka. Sa velikim zadovoljstvom poslujemo sa njima, trudeći se da izađemo u susret njihovim potrebama, slušajući njihove sugestije, i učeći od njih. Istovremeno, njihova edukacija nam je takođe važna zbog čega često organizujemo seminare i promocije.

Registrujte se na B2B portal

Zorbal d.o.o
Višnjička 130
11060 Beograd
Telefon: 011/279-0008, 011/279-0009, 011/279-0010
Email: prodaja@zorbal.rs

From the family house where everything started, to 2000m2 office and warehouse, 6 trucks and 16 employees. We are a company which completely satisfies demands of a pet shop and offers all products one pet shop should have.

More than 5000 pet products for dogs, cats, birds, small animals, aquariums, terrariums and ponds, of carefully selected brands.

In addition to products from renowned European manufacturers, we also offer many other quality products. Through many years of successful business with leading Chinese companies for the production of pet equipment, we have strengthened cooperation and ensured the stable import of entire containers of high-quality products, created our own brand, KOZMO, and enabled our customers to choose quality at more favorable prices.

Our customers

So far we have acquired a great number of customers, mostly pet shops and vet clinics. We cooperate with them with great pleasure, trying to meet their needs, listening to their suggestions and learning from them. At the same time their education is also very important part of our job. Seminars and promotions are often organized by Zorbal.

Register on our B2B portal

Zorbal d.o.o
Visnjicka 130
11060 Belgrade
Phone number: +381 11 279 0008, +381 11 279 0009, +381 11 279 0010
Email: prodaja@zorbal.rs